by Anthony Davis B January 16, 2009
American Oligarchs, starting with the Koch brothers, are winning elections right and left through shock and awe electoral bombing techniques.
by Dr Bunnygirl November 25, 2019
An individual’s tendency to excessively and needlessly purchase overpriced alcohol when inebriated in a social setting and in a fashion that resembles behavior frequently associated with the western stereotype of eastern oligarchs.
“Why did George order another bottle of Cristal? The club is closing and they turned the lights up- everyone is leaving.”
“George acts like a drunk oligarch when he drinks too much. It’s called drunk oligarch syndrome.”
“George acts like a drunk oligarch when he drinks too much. It’s called drunk oligarch syndrome.”
by notmyrea1name March 25, 2023
Oligarchical fascism is a term that combines elements of both oligarchy and fascism.
regimentation of society and the economy.
When these concepts are combined into “oligarchical fascism,” it describes a system where a small, elite group exercises authoritarian control over a nation, often using nationalistic and militaristic principles. This small group uses its power to maintain its own interests and suppress opposition, often through undemocratic means. Such regimes prioritize the interests of the few over the many and typically employ propaganda, censorship, and state violence to maintain their dominance.
regimentation of society and the economy.
When these concepts are combined into “oligarchical fascism,” it describes a system where a small, elite group exercises authoritarian control over a nation, often using nationalistic and militaristic principles. This small group uses its power to maintain its own interests and suppress opposition, often through undemocratic means. Such regimes prioritize the interests of the few over the many and typically employ propaganda, censorship, and state violence to maintain their dominance.
Have you heard about the US? I heard it’s no longer a democracy. It’s just full on Oligarchical Fascism.
by Branflakes83 January 31, 2025
The Political Party of the very few wealthiest people who are committed to forcing pregnancies to birth, empowering abusers, degrading women, dehumanizing LGBTQ+ people, dehumanizing and deporting human beings without proper immigration documentation, ignoring science, detesting education, valorizing violence, terrorizing racial, ethnic, sexual, and religious minorities of every kind.
GOP - Gilead Oligarch Plutocracy wants to remake the United States of America in the image of Gilead, the country that replaces the United States in Margaret Atwood's book, The Handmaid's Tale. And the GOP - Gilead Oligarch Plutocracy's detailed plan to achieve this theocracy is called Project 2025, which is funded by oligarchs, the tiny group of the most elite, wealthiest people who have ever lived.
by NeologianPJG February 2, 2025
An individual’s tendency to excessively and needlessly purchase overpriced alcohol when inebriated in a social setting and in a fashion that resembles the stereotypical behavior frequently associated with oligarchs.
“Why did George order another bottle of Cristal? The club is closing and they turned the lights up- everyone is leaving.”
“George acts like a drunk oligarch when he drinks too much. It’s called drunk oligarch syndrome.”
“George acts like a drunk oligarch when he drinks too much. It’s called drunk oligarch syndrome.”
by notmyrea1name March 25, 2023
by 1092joe1029 September 20, 2022