oic means "Officer In Charge" it's not new, it's old and traditional. Generally associated with military and law enforcement training facilities.
"I got my tactical training back in 2006 at the DrOpZOne."
"Ho, okay, I went there too but in 2005, was Bernard still the OIC then?"
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An internet slang word/abbreviation of the common phrase "Oh I See"

Is rarely used in actual physical conversation, but when it is "oic" is properly pronounced, "oh-eesh" and even, "oh-ee-shee". The "oh-ee-shee" pronunciation is usually considered less proper because it is regularly mistaken for the Japanese words oishii and oishi
Person1: "No I meant that I would go to the movies"
Person2: "oic"
by Nicolethe14 November 25, 2006
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Orgasm induced coma; the deep, profound sleep after great sex.
She fell into an OIC when we were done, so I went home
by farmer51 October 29, 2011
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<Admin> stop cloning!
<Malay> oic~
by J December 4, 2002
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I was sleeping and then i heard that dang oic.
by MountainJew February 18, 2009
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Seen on portable toilethouse wall by a pipefitter while working construction for JH Kelly Inc.

"Oh, I see any ol' asshole can be a foreman for JH Kelly." (decoded message)
FOREMAN: "OK guys, we gotta ... wait a minute -- I'll be right back. Where's my fckn radio? Alright guys, go hide for awhile until I get this figured out."

by Chengo Bolemongo October 6, 2006
The Old Internet Community.
The OIC is a community who like and/or make websites to revive older layouts of websites such as MySpace or YouTube.
The OIC is a community who like and/or make websites to revive older layouts of websites such as MySpace or YouTube.
by nothgss October 27, 2021
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