Oh fudge

When you hit yourself and you dont wanna curse so you say oh Fudge
Something falls on Bob's foot

Me : oh fudge!
by You know what I mean March 18, 2020
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Oh fudge

A phrase made popular by the movie "A Christmas Story". The main character, Ralphie, yelled it, followed by his narrating adult voice adding, "only I didn't say fudge."
Ralphie: Oh fudge!
by RoseRoseRose454684565968968456 October 24, 2009
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Oh Fudge

Jane: I fell and bumped my head this morning

Ukrysta: Oh Fudge!!! Do you need to go to the doctor?

my goodness

by Key -A- Sha May 15, 2014
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oh fudge

It when things don't go your way
When trying to complete something and it doesn't work out oh fudge
by Tiny tea March 7, 2014
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oh Fudge nipples

oh fudge nipples is a term to use on ur minecraft server when a tricky 15 year old greifs your world, and also just a way of not saying fuck or saying that you care.
by coopadooper October 2, 2018
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Oh Nuts! Oh Fudge!

Gently dropping your nuts onto your significant other eyes while giving they are giving you a rim job while batting there eyes.
by H.D. Humperdink September 1, 2006
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