Nummy is a cooler way of saying awkward. You can also express the feeling of awkwardness with "nums" for short. No, nummy does not mean "tasty," as you might think. It is nummy that people think that...
"That kid thinks nummy means yummy"
"Nummy, breh!
"Wow, didn't those two just break up, but now they're best friends?"
"Totally nums breh!"
"Nummy, breh!
"Wow, didn't those two just break up, but now they're best friends?"
"Totally nums breh!"
by 206SWAGBOI September 8, 2011
They Make me Nummy
by Nrthrnskigazr March 3, 2009
by Shmouse May 24, 2005
When you rub cocaine on your gums, should feel a numbness sensation in your gums and mouth..and sometimes your whole face.
by Leeroy Wallace February 24, 2005
a regular tobacco cigarette (Newports are the best to use) where the end is dipped into cocaine. Smoking the nummie will cause your entire mouth, throat, and nasal cavities to go numb. The sensation cannot be fully described.
by Kilmysobriety February 14, 2006