My sack is so huge, I've sold it to Oscyer Myers for $11 million and they have enough sack for the production of 293 Billion hot dogs. Give or take a few.
by Dave August 3, 2003
by deadk January 27, 2009
Co-worker 1: "Hey , Niqua, you doing any overtime today?"
Co-worker 2: "No, not hardly! My sack is full. I'm finished for today."
Co-worker 2: "No, not hardly! My sack is full. I'm finished for today."
by talk2me-JCH2 June 18, 2017
“Well ball my sack, I just totally messed that shit up.”
“Did you see that ECN that Travis Kyle just released? He really balled my sack.”
“Did you see that ECN that Travis Kyle just released? He really balled my sack.”
by RuckDuck98 June 24, 2019
by Ben A April 9, 2006
by kyle marx April 16, 2003
by juicinghersinceday1 April 21, 2015