A variation of necrophilia involving two live people and one dead (male or female)
To munt; Find and dig up a semi-decomposed corpse, One person then goes down on said corpse whilst the other jumps on the dead persons stomach - causing the juices (decomposed organs etc.) to be forced from all orifices, These are then drank by the person orally connected to the corspe.
To munt; Find and dig up a semi-decomposed corpse, One person then goes down on said corpse whilst the other jumps on the dead persons stomach - causing the juices (decomposed organs etc.) to be forced from all orifices, These are then drank by the person orally connected to the corspe.
by bronson September 12, 2004
To zone out due to the effect of (usually) illicit drugs. This sometimes involves the rolling of eyes, involuntary body shakes and serious gurning. see -Gurning
by salads June 18, 2009
by Sto0ge September 8, 2010
The VERTICAL dividing piece in a multi-paned window frame. (As opposed to the horizontal divider/s which are called mullions.)
The rock, having been partially deflected by the munting, cracked the window rather than shattering it entirely.
by Xavier_Ninnis August 27, 2018
by CertifiedBadman May 2, 2011
When a group of absolute 'lads' proceed into a night on the town with the sole purpose of seeking or 'hunting' non-aesthetically pleasing (aka munted) individuals. The aim is the be mouth-pleased by as many grateful munters as possible. The winner is the participant with the most dick licks by the stroke of midnight.
by PeeTear_Griffin July 17, 2018
Verb - the act of nursing your delicate body back to homeostasis. Munting is typically predicated by a wily night out. The kind of night you rarely remember but never forget. Especially when filling out forms that inquire about your drinking habits and you ask yourself, “do I have a problem?” Munting is usually performed by angling one’s body horizontally on a couch, bed, or other cushioned flat surface, ordering takeout for every meal, and consuming infinite content to distract you of your sins from the night before. Typically, one will munt for at least 12 hours to achieve full recovery.
by Ianmoon June 14, 2021