Someone who pays no federal income tax, also known as ''The 47 Percent''. A typical lazy-ass Obama voter.
47 percent of Americans are moochers because they pay zero taxes to the federal government.
by Aliases October 12, 2012
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Someone who always asks for things and favors constantly and will never leave you alone. They will ask for money, rides to places, for you to do simple tasks they could do easily but they think the whole world should cater to them, basically just a leech to everyone around them, a parasite to the community.
Mitchell Katz wont leave me alone, he keeps pestering me for rides places when he most likey can get a ride from his parents but he doesnt bother to ask them. He takes advantage of others to compensate for his laziness and lack of responsibility for his own well being. Expects others to take care of his needs and desires without ever returning the favor.
by Josh March 11, 2005
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1. A stoner who uses you offten to get high on your own personal surply. he/she will smoke you stash, eat your munchies, drink your koolade and never ever return the favor.

2. some who always "borrows" things that are not normally borrowed.

3. some one who uses you there own good but never returns the favor

4. verb: to mooch
1. aw man let me hit way cheezy puffs...dude some i better go man bye

2. hey man can i borrow your car/vcr/shoes/socks

3. dude lend me $5 ill pay you back *they have no cash, ever*

4. lets mooch over to her place later
by Flash terrorist August 10, 2004
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one who always begs for free things and won't ever go away, even if you do give him stuff.
"This moocher won't leave nne alone, he keeps begging me for socks..."
by serge golub March 15, 2004
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a massive leach on society. always trying to get something for nothing, usually unemployed. and in most cases excessively obese. may also like poop. also a chronic masterbater
bystander: hey mooch, whatcha mooching?
Moocher: I LOVE BIBI. and poop. kkthx
by bibi hunter May 15, 2009
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Someone who, when playing football, just stands in the box and waits for the ball to come to them, then takes a shot at it and score. Especially annoying when playing knockout
My god Aidan you're such a ****ing moocher!
by HeartBreakKid25 March 18, 2005
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an individual who, during a halo game, watches a battle between two players in splitscreen play and then jumps in and attempts to slay the winning individual in the forementioned battle.
Wow connor, you are sucha moocher
by GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD January 23, 2008
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