new Marine Corps digital cammies. Called Marpat- Marine Pattern
Marpat kicks ass, better than the ancient cammo. And only the Devil Dogs get them. OORAH!!
by David April 12, 2004
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A american marine camo pattern based almost completely on the canadian pattern known as cadpator Canadian Disruptive Pattern
George Bush: It was a great idea to steal the cadpat and adopt it into our forces, even thought we're the wealthiest and most powerfull country and we can afford to make our own shit
by The_Dark_Side May 8, 2005
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A shabbbby nockoff of the Canadian Armed Forces digital camoflauge...
bloggins -
hey see that yank with horrible weapons handling who can't speak or lead and has a sgt rank?

greyman -yeah

bloggins - yeah he's wearing marpat, a ripoff of cadpat, damn i wish the cf had the money for cool shit like the usa...

greyman - i hope their stupid reservists don't bomb us again....

bloggins - if they do our snipers won't save their asses again.

greyman and bloggins go for beers eh.
by bloggins December 29, 2005
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Marpat is the better of the two existing digital patterns: the ones used by U.S. Marines and that Canadian "forces" thing north of here.
was perfected for the use of soldiers
that actually do stuff.
GI Joe: Hey, lets go buy our new digital uniforms and actually put them to use.

Gi Schmo: Who doesn't?

Gi Joe: Those guys up north.

Gi Schmo: they have an army?

Gi Joe: I wouldn't blame you for not knowing.

Both: HA HA HA HA HA!...
by Col May 5, 2005
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The Marine Corps' camo pattern. Digital camo's. Like the Army's but differently colored, and the Navy's which will arrive in 2008.
dang. that Marpat is a badass looking uniform. even though we took it from the Canadians.
by 5150pacer May 8, 2007
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