Marine Corps

The best military service in the world, also able to kick anybody's ass!!!
The United States Marine Corps just leveled the hell out of Fallujah.
by Zack November 19, 2004
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Marine Corps

The USMC is over 225 years of romping, stomping, hell, death and destruction. The finest fighting machine the world has ever seen. We were born in a bomb crater, our mother was an M-16 and our father was the devil.

Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I am a rough looking, roving soldier of the sea. I am cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and I do not know the meaning of fear, for I am fear itself. I am a green, amphibious monster made of blood and guts who arose from the sea, festering on anti-Americans throughout the globe. Whenever it may arise, and when my time comes, I will die a glorious death on the battle field, giving my life to Mom, the Corps, and the American flag.

We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army. On the 7th day, while God rested, we overran his perimeter and stole the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. We live like soldiers and talk like sailors and slap the hell out of both of them. Soldier by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, MARINE BY GOD!!!
by Guerra July 23, 2006
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Marine Corps

A branch of the armed services formed on Nov. 10th 1775 to stop the British from attacking merchant vessels.Only branch of the Armed Forces to have red white and blue in their uniform.Are the president's corps which means they can be called to action at any time w/out an act of congress or act of war.The Spearhead of the U.S. military first one in last one out.Unlike the the Special Forces (SEALS,Rangers,Combat Controllers etc.)don't have to ride the short bus.Can kick any other branches ass simply because they are trained highly killers.Always faithful to corps and country.A highly prided family of few who won every great war there was.Nick-names include: Leatherneck,Jarhead,Marine,Grunt,Devil Dog,Ministers of Death Praying for War.

And to all Semper Fi!!!
Reporter:"Why'd you join the marines?"

Leatherneck:"I wanted to be the 1st kid on my block w/ a confirmed kill."
by Cpl.Riker May 30, 2005
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Marine Corps

A branch of the military that goes with the saying from the old world war recruiting poster "first to fight". Also, a highly trained bunch that is willing to do anything to protect their country, even the people that look down upon them. They work hard, and play even harder, they look to always improve themselves and take charge whenever no one else will. They are true warrior's, and if anyone want's to talk bad about them and what they do, it just shows the ignorance of people taking their freedom for granted.
----------Semper Fi Marines.
by PFC Anonymous August 10, 2005
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Marine Corps

A branch of the military that's full of cool guys that'll fuck you up if you try to fight them.
While Marine Corps may have cool guys, they'll fuck you up. Don't fight Marines.
by Schillster September 14, 2005
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Marine Corps

An elite sub-division of the United States Navy that has forces trained in ground, sea, and air combat.
Bob enlisted in the Marine Corps.
by Nicolaivich January 19, 2004
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Marine Corps

Very highly motivated, truely dedicated, well taught, experienced people doing what they need to do to get the job done. The title MARINE can not be rented, lent, borrowed, stolen, bought, sold or given, it has to be EARNED through, blood, sweat and tears. There is only one way on and one way off Parris Island.

Wanna know what it's like to be a Marine? Do you think you have what it takes to be part of an elite force? Go to your local recruiter office and ask him, I'm sure there are plenty of openings for you down there on the Island. Good Luck
Wanna learn more about the Marine Corps, call your local recruiter today.
by Jason M March 24, 2006
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