To explain in a condescending, oversimplified, and often inaccurate manner, without regard to the fact that the explainee knows more than the explainer, usually done by a man to a woman.

Not all condescending explanations are mansplaining; the term does not apply when the man in question is indeed more knowledgeable about the topic than the woman.

Mansplaining usually occurs on the topic of sexism, feminism, or gender inequality, but not always. For example, a male programmer could mansplain coding to a woman, despite the woman having more qualifications and writing better-quality code.

Related terms include whitesplain, straightsplain, and cisplain. The overarching thread is someone privileged explaining something to someone less privileged, about a topic the explainer knows less about.
A: “Stop mansplaining. You have no idea what it feels like to be subjected to sexism.”
B: “Feminists are ridiculous! Mansplaining is when a man’s point is discredited just because he’s male, not because he’s wrong!”
A: “What the hell, did you just mansplain mansplaining to me?”
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The tendency of some men to mistakenly believe that they automatically know more about any given topic than does a woman and who, consequently, proceed to explain to her- correctly or not- things that she already knows.
Woman A: When he started mansplaining to me what it really meant to be a woman in the 21st century, I got up and left.

Woman B: Really, what else could you do?
by miriald January 8, 2011
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When a man blindly tries to contradict a woman’s correct point without knowing all the information.
Woman: I’m not planning on giving birth naturally. There’s too much to risk.

Man: Actually, natural births have a higher change of survival for the baby and mother.

The woman has already given birth twice. She knows what she’s talking about, while the man obviously does not. Therefore, he was mansplaining.
by Yellowpaint November 5, 2017
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Mansplaining - explaining something with common words, activly avoiding technical and proffesional language
the pen warriors at the office just gave me this document, i dont understand it. can you mansplain this to me?

"...when you pressurise this thingamajigger this part wil move out of the way, revealing this hole and blocking the other..." -yeah yeah, stop mansplaining. i am not a child!
by cockford ollie December 5, 2020
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Mansplaining sometimes occurs when a female is looking to learn something or work in a male-dominated field (mechanics, engineering, welding, gaming, etc). Upon asking a question or undergoing training, snide comments or patronizing explanations will ensue. Instead of being treated with respect like a fellow human being, female in question is assumed to be inept, incapable, and intellectually on par with a curious 3 year old. While explaining, male must avoid eye contact, mumble incoherently (panic at female presence) or yell angrily (girls don’t belong in X field). Important: man doing the mansplaining must ONLY do it to females.

when talking to a woman, a mansplainer is always better and smarter than her, no matter the experience or education difference.
~~Mansplaining to female that has 14 years experience as a mechanic~~
“This is how you change front brake pads
* snatches ratchet out of her hands* “use the tool that looks like a skinny vibrator and makes the clicking sound to -“
Female mechanic: hey Joe, you know I’m actually fine, you can finish your BBQ :) there’s a lot of smoke coming from your yard and-
Mansplainer: “yeh I know you’re confused, my wife was just as lost as you, specially after she stuck that fork in her eye. You girls just ain built for this stuff. Anyways so you take some antifreeze n pour it onto the brakes..”
Female: uh, wait -

Mansplainer: IM TRYING TO TEACH YOU WILL YA SHUT UP - STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! NO ARE YOU RETARDED? What an ungrateful bitch I’m helping you!
by Feynman is bae March 12, 2018
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A term only annoying fucks will use in order derogate someone who tries to correct them
Karen: To be vegan is to fight for animal rights
Random person on the internet: Actually, Veganism is just a way of life
Karen: Stop mansplaining, As if you would know anything about vegans.
by ReetusNeetusDefines November 16, 2020
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