
Inconsistance, to oppose.
The two contradicted each other.
by Larstait November 14, 2003
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When one does the exact opposite of what they're opposed to
Woman: That guy always contradicts himself by doing the opposite of what he says.
Woman 2: I know, he's such a hypocrite.
by nbunch81 April 17, 2016
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A reoccurring happening of two simultaneous events with the premise that both events are polar oppossites to one another, where the result of the matter is physically a stalemate but morally, one side prevails glaringly over the other.
Life is a mixture of Contradicting Contradictions, a mixture of Hope and Despair.
by Oxxy_Montalvy November 13, 2016
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noun. an ominpotent ruler or authority figure who denies what he/she believes either through actions or words.
We are forced to suffer under the rule of a contradictator.
by Tim Kendel October 20, 2006
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noun. an ominpotent ruler or authority figure who denies what he/she believes either through actions or words.
We are forced to suffer under the rule of a contradictator.
by mit lednek September 30, 2006
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A contradiction is two propositions used in combination where one makes the other impossible. It is something that is A and non-A at the same time. A contradiction, therefore, cannot exist in reality, since existence exists (whereas a contradiction could not possibly exist). In the cognitive process, reaching a contradiction as a conclusion or evaluation of reality is proof of an error in one's thinking.
A square circle is a contradiction in terms. It cannot even be imagined.

"Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned." (Avicenna, Medieval Philosopher)
by Ryan Gonet April 7, 2007
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Calling something two things that are the opposite of each other.
Contradictions: That chick is so hot, but ugly.

That game was cool, but gay.

I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet, but ask me for money, I'll slaughter you.
by Wasabimoto March 27, 2007
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