(n) A person or group of people laughed at for actions that they take, despite not trying to be funny. They may try to take themselves seriously, but are often “milked” for laughs with or without their knowledge
Teams like the browns, Oilers, redskins and grizzlies are some of the greatest lolcows in over the past decade in the world of sports
by StringCool October 12, 2019
A lolcow is a person you get extensive laughs from, who doesn't know they are being made fun of. They can often think they are admired for what they are doing, but secretly are being laughed at constantly.
by MrsKaylaKaulitz August 8, 2008
A phenomena, usually observed on forums and/or imageboards. A person, most often someone who tries to look exceedingly knowledgeable in the topic discussed, is being flamed/trolled to the point where they can no longer present "sane" arguments that will "fit their level", but yet are too proud to just quit.
This produces a considerable amount of lolz and win, for which the said person can be "milked" until they finally give up. Or drop dead. Hence the name.
This produces a considerable amount of lolz and win, for which the said person can be "milked" until they finally give up. Or drop dead. Hence the name.
by DreadSmile April 15, 2007
Someone who is easy/safe for the majority of people to mock. Its a cash cow but you instead milk "lols" from it.
Tom: Man imagine dragons? more like imagine trashens!
internet: lol
enlightened one: is that truly your opinion or are you just bandwagonning against another lolcow?
internet: lol
enlightened one: is that truly your opinion or are you just bandwagonning against another lolcow?
by SAM-SEI March 15, 2019
by Squareworkmedia October 23, 2022
A term that can be used to describe a perennial factory of sadness in sports, and it or a variant is routinely used in sports shitposter Urinating Tree's video titles.
by The Zoo Turtle September 17, 2020
(noun) An individual, typically one who uploads pictures of himself to an internet site, who is overweight, and only contributes to the amusement of others.
by eliteR August 13, 2007