
being attacked online/on a forum.

to be flamed.

usually overly harsh, and often using references to personal information.

flames are an unfortunate, but inevitable, element of unmoderated (or user moderated)forums. often done "anon".

also known as falmes.
dood, cucu/jets/beerie/hsh/phh/whoever is flaming the fuck out of me. time to go. i really strongly dislike her/him and don't feel like sitting here being abused.
by pefoer July 7, 2005
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To Get Joked On, Played Out, Embarrassed, Made a Fooled Out Of, Disrepected towards.
I'm about to flame him/her.
by Datzmetony January 10, 2010
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When someone roast you
Flamed means when someone roast you bad roasted when someone says true or fake funny things about you
by Fl ame January 3, 2017
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In Flames

Best metal band ever. Period. Beware the false definitions that elude to them being something lesser.
In Flames are the current Gods of metal.
by oddling July 22, 2004
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In Flames

One of the best metal bands out there. Old albums are amazing newer albums arent as heavy. Definatly one of the best bands to to hail from sweden and maybe europe.
by poooooooooooooooooop November 15, 2003
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in flames

An awesome band from Sweden founded in the early 90's. They are famous for their legendary riffs and songs so catchy it is not tiring to listen to after a couple of re-runs.

However at the dawn of Reroute to Remain, they started sounding mainstream. I don't know why they'd done it (probably to attract a larger crowd aside from their current fanbase), but they still got their own harmonious riffs, just not as good from way back.
Some of their finest songs:

- Stand Ablaze
- Ever Dying
- Moonshield
- Jotun
- The Hive
- Food for the Gods
- Dialogue with the Stars
- Embody the Invisible
- Morphing into Primal

(Some of their best albums are Whoracle, Jester Race Black Ash Inheritance and Lunar Strain)
by Welp June 20, 2004
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1. To engage in an online argument usually involving unfounded personal attacks by one or more parties.

2. To be blatantly homosexual in the stereotypical way.

3. To be on fire.
1. omg j00 r t3h n00b!1!!1! pwnt

2. Wow, look at that flaming queer.

3. Dude blow out your flaming candles before the wax gets on the cake.
by anime2000z April 14, 2006
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