An incident in a school in which all of the doors are locked, and students are removed from "dangerous" places in the school. Generally, the police are on scene, whether it is for the drug dogs or SWAT.
Oh, Stroudsburg High School is on lockdown again. I wonder if they will be on CNN this time.
by pizzaman035 March 26, 2008
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Aint no PARTY like a LOCKDOWN party
by LOCKDOWNTHEPARTY21 December 10, 2021
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Not being able to crap for long periods of time.
Oh poor jerry he's been on lockdown for a week.
by anonymous!!poop September 10, 2010
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A stalling position in grappling by which one competitor will utterly ruin the match by holding his opponent and preventing real grappling. A position characterized by the lack of availability of submissions or ways of actually finishing the match.
My match wouldn't have gone the distance if I hadn't been paired up with a dirty, guardpulling, lockdown staller.
by Jiujitsu Purist April 30, 2010
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when a bunch of people play LAN games by staying up the whole night. Traditionally one is not allowed to exit till morning.
by mrharte March 15, 2017
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