Kelsi is very shy at first, but once you get to know her, she is crazy and hilarious. She is so insecure and doesn't think she is pretty or liked. She is very sporty and hates the color pink. Has many friends and many guys want her. She has a great personality. Kelsi will always stand upon for her friends. She can get offended easily though. If you need to tell your secret to someone, find a Kelsi, she will keep your secret. She is trustworthy. Hates when people misspell her name. Model material, but doesn't know it. Loves horror movies. Is very down to earth and doesn't judge people. Most think she has the perfect life because of the smile she wears, but in reality she is falling apart. Their are so many problems In her life and no one knows. She has few very close friends. Is very intelligent and well liked. Never let go of a Kelsi! You will regret it.
"Omg Kelsi is perfect"
"Can I be Kelsi"
"Kelsi is the coolest person ever"
"I never want to lose Kelsi as a friend"
"Can I be Kelsi"
"Kelsi is the coolest person ever"
"I never want to lose Kelsi as a friend"
by Fishingiscool123 February 11, 2018
A very smart, sweet girl with lots of things on her mind. She may seem distracted a lot and that's because she is most of the time. Very creative and sometimes shy, she always has to have music on. silence is her only weakness. She doesn't think she's attractive but in reality she's the most gorgeous thing you'll ever meet. often spaces out when near windows. always contemplating something. sugar junkie. loves spicy food. easy to get along with. everyone loves her. stands up for her friends and would never hurt anyone intentionally. cares too much.very athletic. picks the wrong crowd. not easily influenced.has a weakness for animals. has soo much planned for her. remember her, she'll be widely known soon. if you fall in love with a kelsi don't ever let her go. she likes playfighting. looks like the most innocent person alive but can be the sexiest, kinky little thing if you get her to that stage. likes being pushed to do better. always looking after those around her.
omg, im soo in love with this girl she's perfect.
ahh you must have caught a kelsi. good job man, you're lucky.
Guy 1:omg, im soo in love with this girl she's perfect.
Guy 2:ahh you must have caught a kelsi. good job man, you're lucky
ahh you must have caught a kelsi. good job man, you're lucky.
Guy 1:omg, im soo in love with this girl she's perfect.
Guy 2:ahh you must have caught a kelsi. good job man, you're lucky
by bballmayne22 February 4, 2010
A beautiful girl in every aspect. Kelsi is usually intelligent, dazzling, intriguing, determined, fair, independent, radiant and positive. A Kelsi is cooler than your average friend and loves green, guys, and gum. A Kelsi is someone you can trust and depend upon, knowing that she'll be able to uplift you and make you feel at home. Kelsi is adventurous, interesting and extremely fun. She'll introduce you to new experiences and no matter what you do, it’s impossible to not be exceedingly happy when around a Kelsi. Kelsi is a girl who will comfort you when you're down and listen to your every word with care and understanding. She is someone everyone admires because of how gorgeous she is both inside and out. One should always keep Kelsi close by their side for she will protect, shelter and stand up for them. Kelsi will always be remembered by the hearts she has touched for she has made a huge influence on their lives. A person is grateful for the chance they have to be a part of Kelsi's life.
Guy: "You're really lucky. Don't ever lose her as a friend, because she is the best one you'll ever have."
Girl: "I know."
Guy: "You're really lucky. Don't ever lose her as a friend, because she is the best one you'll ever have."
Girl: "I know."
That Kelsi must be a super hero, because she makes me feel more important than anything. When with her I feel like I’m worth something.
1: "Kelsi is so pretty!"
2: "Wait until you get to know her. She is the most beautiful and heartwarming person you'll ever meet. I'm so glad that we became friends. I think everyone should
have a friend like her."
1: "Wow. I can't wait to talk to her." *smiles*
Guy: "You're really lucky. Don't ever lose her as a friend, because she is the best one you'll ever have."
Girl: "I know."
1: "Kelsi is so pretty!"
2: "Wait until you get to know her. She is the most beautiful and heartwarming person you'll ever meet. I'm so glad that we became friends. I think everyone should
have a friend like her."
1: "Wow. I can't wait to talk to her." *smiles*
Guy: "You're really lucky. Don't ever lose her as a friend, because she is the best one you'll ever have."
Girl: "I know."
by smexxygirl57 February 2, 2013
The girl who struts through the hallways everyday looking like a light, vibrant girl. She is basically hard NOT to like. What people don't know is that she hides so much and she plasters a smile to her face everyday so people don't know that her life is a total wreck. Everyday she feels like nothing is going for her, when others thinks she's got everything, well she doesn't. A kelsi is the last person people would think to commit suicide but she has considered it. She always deep down doesn't think she deserves the friends she has and is surprised people like her so much, sometimes she feel as people are just trying to be nice. People need to realize all the pressure she goes through each and everyday and love her for who she is. that's all she really needs, love. she is the most beautiful girl inside and out, sent from God.
by justyou1150 June 25, 2014
Kelsi. The girl that makes you feel on top of the world. The girl you never want to lose, Ever. She can make your day just by saying hello. She's the most amazing friend ever and would surely make an even better girlfriend. She's absolutely gorgeous. She doesn't realize it, But that's okay, Everybody else knows she is. She'll definitely be the mother of my children and the one I wake up to every morning. Kelsi, Will you go out with me?
by Joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh March 20, 2012
The sexiest name created by mankind. Everything about this girl must be perfect, except for her confidence. Too bad she holds herself back..
by the DUTCH boss June 6, 2011
A smart, lovable, gorgeous girl who usually has something on her mind and has a tendency to make a random comment that has absolutely nothing to do with the current conversation. She is full of life and almost always happy. Some girls call her a whore and or slut, but those that do are only jealous. She knows a lot about the Military, Military hardware and firearms, has the ability to compare anything to a piece of Military hardware and hates anyone who talks trash about the Military with a passion. She makes some stupid mistakes but learns from them. She is caring and loving, very sarcastic but not offensive, very sexually active and kinky and good at sex, but is not a slut, is funny when she wants to be, is 1/2 girly-girl and 1/2 tom boy. She will never hurt a friend intentionally, and if she does, she'll feel very bad and will do whatever she can to show she's sorry. She will always stand up for a friend and be there for them, she hates silence and will go out of her way to make sure it isn't quiet. She likes to eat, but remains fit, always looks her best, and knows how to have sexy bed-head hair. She has a circle of very close friends, and hates the feeling of being alone. Maintains that words ending with an "i" or an "ie" when it should be a "y" look better. She is always a shoulder to cry on. If you meet a Kelsi and manage to start dating her, hold on to her as she will make you happy and really care for you.
Guy 1: I met this girl last night, she was super-sexy, caring,
funny and smart, we slept together and the sex was amazing, and we agreed to keep seeing each other! I really love this girl
Guy 2: You have a Kelsi, congrats, hold on to her.
funny and smart, we slept together and the sex was amazing, and we agreed to keep seeing each other! I really love this girl
Guy 2: You have a Kelsi, congrats, hold on to her.
by thecanuckthatisepic July 9, 2011