
Oh he misused the word infinitesimal last week! He thought it meant really big but it actually means really small!
by Problematic Virgil October 31, 2019
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1) Defined as the reciprocal of infinity (1/infinity), if you say that pico and nano are "next to nothing", then infinitesimal has his cock up nothing's arse.
2) Just really, REALLY fucking small.
1) The reciprocal graph's distance from its asymptote gets infinitesimal, but they never meet.
2) The amount of homework I've done this evening lolololol
by Itz Rob March 27, 2018
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Infinitely or exceedingly small,minute.
Hey Mister,just keep your shirt on,if you could get your infinitesimal brain to working you would realize that there's nothing worth the ranting and raving!!!!
by ACkiddo February 5, 2008
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ur mom is infinitesimal.
i love ur infinitesimal.
by ni umma December 8, 2022
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The Infinitesimal Analysis or Method of Limits is very highly developed and is applicable to almost every subject of exact thought, often asserting itself in the most surprising fashion, as in the Theories of Numbers and of Knots, to which it might seem wholly alien, suddenly unlocking and laying wide open secert passaages utterly unsuspected. In particular the Integal Calculus shows itself amazingly and unendingly fertile in the generation of new notions. As other and still other fields are exposed to investigative thought, the Calculus will receive more and more applications, and there seems to be no limit to the subtlety and refinement of its processes, to the keenness and penetration that may be given to this two-edged sword of the spirit, the strongest, sharpest and most flexible ever fashioned or wielded by the mind of man.
by the_infinitesimal October 16, 2004
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A ranking reserved for war crimes so bad, WWII Germany and Japan look like joke villains compared to the masterminds behind such atrocities.
"'Cuties' and the 'Hype House'. Films/series that are so bad they have the dishonor of being ranked as a negative infinity out of one infinitesimal. Did Netflix create these as actual entertainment or instruments of torture?"
by Silicosis9324 May 9, 2023
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smaller than your chances of getting a GF
Bro my croutons are firkin infinitesimal
by susevil February 15, 2023
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