When you think a one night stand will be good, then it turns out awful.
Megan said that her and Nate had a hunch punch last night!
by Natalie123 March 23, 2017
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doin sum shit your no supposed to be doin(fucking around acting stupid
im telling mommy yhu dont go to school and be hunching around yo friends
by itkebreaks October 20, 2022
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The prominent hunch one exhibits whilst being severely hungover.
My hangover hunch was so bad driving home this morning I couldn't even see my back window in the rearview mirror.
by P-Shred January 5, 2014
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- the way dogs poop. To arch the back (hunch) and discharge (punch) flamboyant fecal materials at dangerous and potentially lethal velocities.
"C'mon Fido. You gonna hunch and punch or what?"
by Nards Eubanks September 19, 2024
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This is the process of tucking one’s dick and balls pushed back between the legs to look like a female. The double hunch back is the 2 balls back and growly is because it kinda hurts….ref Silence of the Lamb, this was done in the movie by the killer.
by efhaso;fnhasdfl;jasnl;sdf February 16, 2022
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