by unknown October 16, 2003
by SammyDresden September 30, 2010
A person that walks around thinking they are a bad ass, while really they just look stupid. An ugly/goofy looking person. A word for non-athletes that think highly of themselves; this word is commonly used among college athletes who see people trying to impress people with their "athleticism". Basically, it is a term for people who are just downright goofy in general.
by Hukanoobi October 17, 2011
by J and T June 27, 2003
Gumby is a another word/reference used for marijuana. Due to ones own personal pleasure of his/her marijuana, you would refer to your weed as Gumby due to its high quality.
by CAP24 October 10, 2013
When my manager called me into work while I was on vacation, I showed up and saluted saying "Gumby here reporting for duty, sir."
by Anonymous March 4, 2003