Unsightly skin conditon known to plague Klingon teenagers.
Duras suffered greatly from the gorch during his formative years.
by Erin Mullally January 17, 2010
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A self-centered person, known for stealing beer and scaring off girls with high levels of horniness.
"Did you see him pocket those beers? He's such a gorch!"

"There are no girls here because they are afraid of getting gorched!"
by Willian Holden June 4, 2005
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(n.) A fart smeller, a person that enjoys the smell of other's flatulance. A "gorch" is easily identifiable by the audible sniffing sound shortly after you let one rip.
Me: Did you hear that Casey told Smashley that I said she stood up when she peed?

Everybody: Yeah, that dude is a jizz mopper and a gorch.
by Hullabaloo April 27, 2006
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farting in the bath tub and then eating the bubbles that surface.
a friend of mine taught me to gorch while we bathed together.
by doormouse April 6, 2009
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to be gorched
$uPeR GoRcHeR pWnEd DrIfT
by Scott Kyle April 17, 2004
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An ancient sea vessel which harnesses the divine secrets of space and times. Ridden by Nazi's, this sea vessel is at the heart of the ocean.
Chad: That boat was such a Gorch Fock. I threw up all over the place and I feel like now I finally know the secrets of space and time.

Mark: Yeah, for sure.
by Chad H. Broman November 17, 2010
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