Dr. Drew on Celebrity Rehab said "All of a sudden what had been just another Hollywood proposal became for him an unexpected blessing, an opportunity for growth. In drug recovery language, that's called a "God shot."
by Imogen1564 February 1, 2011
A shot of God's love. Staying connected with conscious contacts and listening for one's Higher Power.
A chance happening with profound meaning, an unexpected blessing, a message from God. Also known as a sign.
A chance happening with profound meaning, an unexpected blessing, a message from God. Also known as a sign.
Dr. Drew on Celebrity Rehab said "All of a sudden what had been just another Hollywood proposal became for him an unexpected blessing, an opportunity for growth. In drug recovery language, that's called a "God shot."
by TinyKoalaBear March 13, 2017
Also known as “God Jab.” When billions of believers often forget that wisely seeking God’s protection first to shield them from any plague or pestilence is freely available to them 24/7 long before they even receive a man-made vaccine, which loses its immunity to the coronavirus over time.
Guesstimate how many wise folks worldwide opted for a God shot in 2020–2021 while they’re waiting for the first WTO-approved Covid-19 vaccine.
by Covido October 21, 2022
A fat shot of Heroin (china white)...... must be at least 0.25g (250mg) or higher of china. Originally used to describe a divine shot of Heroin that would put the user into an instant nod for hours. A divine shot of high quality china.
by TrickLee89 March 2, 2019
The word "God shot" refers to the perfect, devine espresso shot. According to some it is the unreachable utopia, while others claim to be able to pull one or two for every hundred espresso's they make.
by cruzlee October 28, 2007
noun - when playing a game, you make a shot that seems very lucky, almost as if God intervened into the game himself and changed the path of the ball.
(basketball) Mike was surrouded by enemy players, he made a roar-like noise, waved everyoe off with the ball, pertended to turn super saiyin, then jumped and scored a goal in basketball! Other than that, he sucked and did nothing remotely useful. Bob yelled "Dude u see that freshman score a God shot?"
by Can Not April 15, 2005
guy 1: "dude, do you see that sunset?"
guy 2: "yeah whatever..."
guy 1: *snaps photo* "I JUST TOTALLY GOT A GOD SHOT!"
guy 2: "yeah whatever..."
guy 1: *snaps photo* "I JUST TOTALLY GOT A GOD SHOT!"
by teamvolturi October 7, 2010