Being on the same wavelength as someone else.
by TheCitizenErased September 11, 2010
The most common 2 words used in a sentence by girls from the age of 13 to 18. Can be used up to 5 times in a sentence.
The girl opposite me was talking to her friend: "Well I was like disgusted with her and I go like "You're a bitch", and she goes like,"Well, like tough titties", and I go like, "you should like be so lucky", and my friend goes like ...
by Fredleted September 8, 2011
his podgy little legs were going like the clappers
by heffalump June 29, 2005
Person 1: "Damnnnn youre getting roasted in the groupchat! Roast them back!"
Person 2: "Naw I'm not tryna get cooked again"
Person 1: "Boiiiiii go like cake!"
Person 2: "Naw I'm not tryna get cooked again"
Person 1: "Boiiiiii go like cake!"
by Lordddddd Kayvaughn July 21, 2017
A funny thing Scottish people say, it can only be assumed it's an insult. Must be yelled at the top of your lungs in a Scottish accent for full effect. Otherwise you just sound like a tool.
by BTRyo. November 29, 2010
anything which appears to be going fast or repetitvly.
from either the loose hammers inside churchbells, or an old shrove tuesday custom involving begging by clapping stones together
from either the loose hammers inside churchbells, or an old shrove tuesday custom involving begging by clapping stones together
by metaneme July 2, 2007
by rdavek December 17, 2006