An internet acronym short for "get the fuck out".

It is used to express indignation, usually towards stupidity, incompetence, or both.

It can be used in response to something that is unwelcome.
That guy was annoying and didn't know what he was talking about so I told him to GTFO.
by TB June 17, 2004
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An easy to use acronymn when dealing with moronic incompetents in the online world.

Use when not particularly interrested in thinking up a some new glib whitticism.
00:21:17 <jhboy> I like to wank little boys.
00:21:23 * jhboy was kicked by JoeDaddy (GTFO)
by Joe Daddy February 9, 2004
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by CUNTPLUSBANANA December 24, 2017
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GTFO & STFU, n00b.
by newbie December 8, 2002
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Omg stfu GTFO.
by Flame Hunter December 10, 2003
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An acronym for Get The Fuck Out. 1. Can be an expression of excitement for something really extrodinary, including doubt of its existence. 2. Used to tell noobs off or shut them up. 3. An expression for physically leaving a place with no disclosure to members of the place.
1. Suprised by the size of the dildo, Kathy exclaimed, GTFO! when she pulled it out of Amy's sock drawer.
2. Who the fuck cares, online noob bashing is a stupid way to spend your time using the acroynm GTFO.
3. John was so tired of his bitch, when Mark asked how the move was, he pointed to his T-shirt that said GTFO.
by JakeWalls January 18, 2008
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Get the fuck out.

The actual meaning behind this acronym is beside the obvious (which is to get the fuck out). It is best used in a situation not unlike that of one where a girl or maybe a friend that the rents hate to leave the house immediately, because they are coming home.
Oh crap! My mom's at the door! She's coming in! I'll hold open this window, you've got to GTFO!!
by LWxxDark Wolf January 15, 2009
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