the voice of evil. Right wing propagandist, george bush mind slaves, pure evil
fox news needs to die
by jesus September 14, 2004
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horrible news channel that is always in a pissing contest against liberals.
We distort, you comply.
by Shawn E. May 2, 2003
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If you hate Fox as much as i do, check this movie out- Outfoxed. Its a documentary on what goes on behind the scenes. Extremely good.
Its shocking how easy it is to fool the american public.
by Biafra J August 26, 2004
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Why am I not surprised that a person who uses the words "commie fag" is a fox news watcher. Silly silly people.
-I'm informed because I watch Fox news
-That's nice (yawn)
by tintle October 14, 2004
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A 'media' just as fake as the CNN. Fox News claims to be "fair and balanced", but they are probably further right than Donald Trump is himself. Like the CNN, they have a propensity to spout pseudoscience, racist articles and conspiracy theories. In short, FOX News is the same as the CNN in terms of factual reporting, but with a right wing bias, whereas CNN leans more towards the left.
"Black lives matter says it stands with Hamas terrorists in Israeli conflict" The last time I checked, BLM is a group to raise awareness of the inequalities black people are facing systemically. Right wing whataboutery at it's finest. Of course this article has been proven to be false.

"NASA fudged the numbers to make 1998 the hottest yer to overstate the extent of global warming" - More Anti climate change pseudoscience to downplay the seriousness of climate change to encourage the feeble minded anti-science conspiracy theorists that the scientists are lying to us about the severity of climate change. Again, this article has been disproven by fact checkers.

"Biden's climate requirements" will "cut 90% of red meat from diet" to a "max 4 lbs per year" and "one burger per month.- Right this rumour started because of the British Tabloid called "Daily Mail" who posts far right, racist bullshit. Daily Mail bring Daily Mail subtly linked it to a 2020 study on meat consumption, though the study is completely unrelated to politics or global issues going on in the world. Joe Biden mentioned nothing about reducing red meat consumption at the White House as to alleviate climate change.

FOX News- fAiR aNd BaLaNcEd
by Rotten Turkey July 21, 2021
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Dude, did you see that FOX News report? They actually reported that you can get herpes from Beer Pong!
by Vardinator March 15, 2009
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National Republican Bullshit Network. Watched by ignorant, gun-toting,

flag-waving ultra-nationalistic right-wing Christian fundamentalists who think

George Bush is the new fucking Messiah or something.basically, the scum of

American society who, if they had their way, would turn America in a fucking fascistic

police state in order to feel safe from the "terrorists" (aka: "brown people").
Fox News is only good for laughing at the bullshit those worthless Republicans

like to spew. If you want a real source of news, go the independent route.
by wolf15668 November 3, 2013
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