14 definitions by tintle


the worst "musician" in the world, and I use that term lightly. No matter what your tatse in music, we can all pretty much agree that avril sucks dick
-I love avril so much cause im a free spirit
-Oh I have a free spirit too. Lemme find it and stick it up your ass you fucking cocksucker.
by tintle December 6, 2003
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-NOFX is stupid cause they don't sing about girls.
-You're stupid because, well I don't know but you are!
by tintle September 12, 2004
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fox news

Why am I not surprised that a person who uses the words "commie fag" is a fox news watcher. Silly silly people.
-I'm informed because I watch Fox news
-That's nice (yawn)
by tintle October 14, 2004
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mike dirnt

One of the best bassist alive, and also the creator of the new Mike Dirnt P-bass, which is the most comfortable, and playable bass ever.
-Billie Joe may write the songs, but no one grimaces like Mike fucking Dirnt!
by tintle January 16, 2005
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Avril Lavinge

Ruined everything!!!!!!!!!!!
Avril Lavigne, the loser moron cick rocker that she is has people asking me when I tell them i like punk music, "Oh that Avril Lavigne stuff?" No No no no no no no aggghhhhhagghhhahahahahahahahaha i hope she dies of death and goes straight to hell
-hnfzjkbdvnmxv czdvcvmdzfnsx

i hate that bitch!!!!!!!!!!
by tintle September 23, 2004
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A channel that has sold out to the max. Used to have great shows like salute your shorts, pete and pete, and doug. Now they have these stupid mindless cartoons that would put a kid with adhd to sleep.
6 year old kid: Nickelodeon is my favorite channel!

Me: My young friend, you shall never know.
by tintle September 12, 2004
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the beatles

The band that all the "punk" kids like to bash as "sissy" or "gay." What they don't realize is that without The Beatles, the bands they listen to now would never even be around.
-The Beatles are stupid and their music sucks
-I'm going to kill you
by tintle September 7, 2004
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