A long and involved, often exremely notable and serendipitous life story. Derived from the film Forrest Gump in which the main character tells his life story while sitting on a bus stop bench to various passers by.
Hey Dennis, I bet that accordion player over there has one hell of a Forrest Gump.
Why don't you tell me your Forrest Gump?
Why don't you tell me your Forrest Gump?
by Luke and Dennis June 1, 2006
by Jackerfack September 30, 2009
A badass mothafucker who taught Elvis, was a Football Superstar, Vietnam War Hero, Ping Pong Legend, Shrimp Selling Millionaire, Track Running sensation, Punched a Bitch, and banged a whore named Jenny.
Forrest Gump will kick your ass.
by fork82 October 16, 2011
You: Sarah Palin was really smart.
Me: Forrest gump is both smarter and more charismatic than the entire Palin family.
Me: Forrest gump is both smarter and more charismatic than the entire Palin family.
by Martin 'The Madman' October 3, 2011
by Stinky McStink Face January 22, 2011
1.) To get through a situation simply by pure luck.
2.) Completing a task or challenge when you have no experience and the odds are stacked against you.
3.) When you get lost in a new town or city but somehow manage to find your way back to somewhere recognizable.
2.) Completing a task or challenge when you have no experience and the odds are stacked against you.
3.) When you get lost in a new town or city but somehow manage to find your way back to somewhere recognizable.
by clumsyannie November 22, 2010
A man who, if he could he could talk as fast as he runs, would be mistaken as the next Albert Einstein.
by Reba-sama January 21, 2004