by Adam Berry November 30, 2006
(noun); Motorised mobility chair most commonly used by greedy middle class honkeys to extort sympathy from honkey park owners in order to accelerate their fat family's ascent through lines for rides.
'Dude, I was waiting in line for Space Mountain and some fat bitch and her fat family cut the line with a Disneyland Dragster! I was pissed, dude.'
by gill-christless December 28, 2007
The primary weapon weilded by Schielke. Obsessed over it to the point where he was so proud of himself for building a childrens toy
Schielke:Ok lets switch gears
Jack:what are we gonna make?
Schielke:A Co2 Dragster of course,my proudest achievement!
Jack:what are we gonna make?
Schielke:A Co2 Dragster of course,my proudest achievement!
by The Schielkmiester October 12, 2018
Two men get into a dragster naked and proceed to burn their rectums with fire, when their rectums have been burned, they then proceed to poop into each other's mouths. The men then will spit the poop all over each other and have anal sex. This is all happening while a third man watches while masturbating.
by your face October 18, 2003
Built in 2003 at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, it is TRULY the greatest "stratacoaster" ever built. 420 feet high, 120 m.p.h. in 4 seconds, first hill= 90 degree lift with twist before the crest, last drop= 90 degrees down at 120 m.p.h. Cars are configured as Top Fuel Drag Racing cars with seatbelts and lap restraints only- no harness. Two cameras on first and final straight-a-aways. Truly, truly awesome ride.
by laura (aka dragstergirl) March 10, 2006
A 420 foot tall 120 mph roller coaster at wordCedar Point/coaster. Designed by wordIntamin/word, Dragster used a hydrolic engine to launch the train up a vertical tower, and down the otherside spiraling 270 degrees.
by adonkeyisaass October 14, 2003
Men with tiny dicks and nuts the size of chickpeas that can't race doorcars because of their absolute lack of pussy drive dragsters. usually the ones at parties that sit in the corner of the room
by doorcarsfordayz August 30, 2022