by ome deagle July 30, 2005
Pills that make you feel like you are drunk. Things like Ambien are downers. You lose your motor skills, and think really slow/ slurred speach.
by S1lly_R4bbit April 9, 2006
Get the Downer mug.
1.) A person who brings down the environment somewhere, with his attitude. Also known as a "party pooper"
2.) A very popular camp for middle schoolars in Vermont
2.) A very popular camp for middle schoolars in Vermont
1.) This party was off the hook until that downer came along
2.) You didn't do a week at Downer? You missed one off the hook dance
2.) You didn't do a week at Downer? You missed one off the hook dance
by MattyB August 29, 2005
Noun: Someone or something, typically a girl who ruins the mood or atmosphere. Often this behavior will tempt acquaintances to kill themselves or others.
by Tod Higgins August 14, 2005
A word often used to describe someone suffering from the dessiese "down syndrome"/ People often use this word to describe other when they perform stupid acts, or make fools of themselves
by matt April 10, 2005
Someone with downs syndrome
by Skippadd December 4, 2018