If you have type one diabetes your beautiful and god was sooooo jealous he took your pancreas

Another reason:your pancreas just could stand your beauty
Hooman:wow your beautiful

You:I have type one diabetes
Hooman:I wish I did😭😟
by I'm not weird November 29, 2019
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To have different actions or emotions due to low or high blood sugar from type 1 or juvenille diabetes. Can be seen if someone looks lost or is sober but slurring their speech. Also yelling randomly or freaking out at meaningless things. Can be predicted by numbness in fingers or lips. Easlily confused with drunkeness. Occurs only in Type 1 / Juvenille Diabetics.
Darnit, Bozeek is diabeting again.

I couldn't come to class because I was diabeting.
by Alex V B October 23, 2008
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word used in the movie " A night at the roxbury" meaning sweet, awesome, fantastic,outrageous, or kick ass. fun to use when joking around cuz you'll sound like a dumbass if you actually use it.
guy1: "dude! i totally hooked up last night with that hot ass sally!"
guy2: "diabetic!"
by jneill May 27, 2007
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"I was diagnosed with a Diabete yesterday. Thank god it was only one, they're stronger in numbers..."
by GreentheNinja January 11, 2022
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type 1: an autoimmune disorder where your pancreas does not produce insulin. IT IS NOT BECAUSE YOU ATE TOO MUCH SUGAR AND DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT EAT SUGAR.
type 2: happens either genetically or because of eating habits. your pancreas is somewhat resistant to insulin. unlike type 1, type 2 diabetes can sometimes go away if taken well enough care. you also have to watch what you eat with type 2 diabetes.
me:“i was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.”
dumbass:“oh shit man, so you can’t eat sugar?”
me:“no, dumbass. that’s not how it works.”
by lordfarquad May 9, 2018
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One of the best diseases out there! Cause when you become diabetic you get a indestructible pancreas that everyone is jealous of mann!
+Plus you get to freak people out, make them think your on heroin, when they ask "OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!"
+And...if class gets super boring..you can scare the teacher by saying "IM REALLY LOW I HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW TO GET JUICE BEFORE I PASS OUT" and then go to the soda machine fore 20 mins and get some food while everyone else sits in class.
Or if you forgot to study for a test..you can leave for that reason too. :
teacher:"its time to take a test"
kidd with diabetes:"IM LOW! BYE!"
*diabetic exits without fuss with teacher in 5 second FLAT*
by Diana Dz May 21, 2008
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1) Teacher: "Why were you late Jimmy?
Jimmy: "My blood sugar was low!"
Teacher: "Ok."

2) Teacher: "Jimmy, you know, that you're only permitted one dessert!"
Jimmy: "Oh my blood sugar is low."
Teacher: "Oh OK then have a third one too!"

3) Principal: "Why did you go home after the second period, Jimmy?"
Jimmy: "My blood sugar was high!"
Principal: "Oh. Just forget, that you were even here!"

Diabetes. (It would not let me post the example without writing it)
by DaDiabetic June 24, 2011
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