by Matt_Hewa November 25, 2020
When looking up cooperation, I found "the definition does not exist yet" which made me realize, there IS no cooperation on the internet...
by ChelleBean March 25, 2011
Cooper - I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls I’m in your walls
by jsanders November 25, 2021
Person A: "Man, last night was so fun! I got everyone at the bar to play hide and go seek with me."
Person B: "Christ you were COOPERED. Never happened bro."
Person B: "Christ you were COOPERED. Never happened bro."
by RustMcGust April 12, 2013
if you know a Cooper, you are very lucky.. Cooper is usually tall and has blue eyes, he isnt the best looking, though. Cooper is the realest, coolest, funniest, most true person you will ever meet. He will also be the best boyfriend you will EVER have! You can trust him with anything.. he will never tel anybody if you dont want him to. Cooper is usually lonely and has never really had a girlfriend for some reason they just want him as a buddy.. I feel bad for him, GIRLS GET ON THIS MAN!!
by Daddy53 October 19, 2019
cooper is the best guy you’ll ever find. he knows how to light up your day. he helps anyone that needs it and is always there for you. if you date a cooper, you’ll always miss him and his smile, his laugh and his kindness. man, everyone wants to date a cooper.
cooper is great.
by thikki nikki June 24, 2018