Awesome series about the trials and tribulations of college. That is, if your college enrolls Bigfoot, Optimus Prime, a floating green alien named Gorp, and monkeys.
by Zeke November 1, 2003
The Party Scene
The Mount offers a wide variety of parties. The sports team act of though they are fraternities and each seem to have a competition to who can throw the best bash. The rugby team is known for the weekend keggers, the lax team is known for the roofie parties, the baseball team for their jungle juice and soccer parties at the townhouses. The best times we have are at theme parties that range from ceo-secartary hoes to 8th grade dance party. The adminstration knows all this campus does is drinks so they provide after-parties but we all show up for the free pizza drunk off our asses.
The Mount offers a wide variety of parties. The sports team act of though they are fraternities and each seem to have a competition to who can throw the best bash. The rugby team is known for the weekend keggers, the lax team is known for the roofie parties, the baseball team for their jungle juice and soccer parties at the townhouses. The best times we have are at theme parties that range from ceo-secartary hoes to 8th grade dance party. The adminstration knows all this campus does is drinks so they provide after-parties but we all show up for the free pizza drunk off our asses.
by Big Bertha April 11, 2005
Don't let the partying reputation fool you; yes it is a blast at Mount Saint Mary's. The best-kept secret though is all the power players you'll meet down the road who went there! For some reason, Mounties clean up real good and pull in some sick paychecks. And, more importantly, they are undyingly loyal and take care of their own.
Mount Saint Mary's College/University graduates are, for example, senior officials with the FBI, Directorate of National Intelligence, Attorneys, CEOs of major corporations and very active in Maryland politics
by To the Mount! April 4, 2008
Emmanuel College, University of Queensland is a residential college of the University of Queensland in St Lucia, Queensland, Australia. Emmanuel College was founded in September 1911. It was the first of the UQ residential colleges originally based on Wickham Terrace in Brisbane City to move to its current St Lucia site when the university relocated. The College admitted men only until the 1970's, when it became co-ed. Emmanuel College is currently the largest of the UQ colleges with approximately 350 students. Students living at Emmanuel College study for a wide range of degrees and are encouraged to excel academically through the college's extensive tutorial program. As well as academia, students at Emmanuel particpate in a wide range of mens and womens sports and compete against the other UQ Colleges for the annual Inter-College Cup (ICC).
Unfortunately the college has recently suffered due to the appointment of Marlene Tau. Ms. Tau is a proffessional student who does not have the capacity to function in the real world. For this reason she has found employment at the college due to their policy of employing the unemployable, in the past receptionist Wari has also greatly benefited from this scheme. Since arriving at Emmanuel, Marlene has succeeded in putting every member of the student body offside. Her policy of trying to act like a bossy parent to students, including telling people to "go to bed, you have to study tomorrow" has caused her to be the subject of much derision. She revels in the punishment of students caught enjoying themselves and is notorious for treating the students at the college, who are among the brightest school leavers in Australia, as children who are incapable of intelligent thought. She also seeks to remove the last vestiges of long standing traditions from the college as she attempts to create a college that is dry, boring and embarrassing on the sporting field. As she has proved incompetent as a college administrator, it is reccomdended that she pursue a career in film, Ms Tau performed admirably as a hobbit extra in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Unfortunately the college has recently suffered due to the appointment of Marlene Tau. Ms. Tau is a proffessional student who does not have the capacity to function in the real world. For this reason she has found employment at the college due to their policy of employing the unemployable, in the past receptionist Wari has also greatly benefited from this scheme. Since arriving at Emmanuel, Marlene has succeeded in putting every member of the student body offside. Her policy of trying to act like a bossy parent to students, including telling people to "go to bed, you have to study tomorrow" has caused her to be the subject of much derision. She revels in the punishment of students caught enjoying themselves and is notorious for treating the students at the college, who are among the brightest school leavers in Australia, as children who are incapable of intelligent thought. She also seeks to remove the last vestiges of long standing traditions from the college as she attempts to create a college that is dry, boring and embarrassing on the sporting field. As she has proved incompetent as a college administrator, it is reccomdended that she pursue a career in film, Ms Tau performed admirably as a hobbit extra in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Emmanuel College, University of Queensland, Australia is most defenitely the greatest college in ICC, pity about that lady that resembles a hobbit though....
by Proud Emmanuel Alumni member April 3, 2006
Where everyone knows your name....and your business. This small campus provides a taste of everything. You got the preps, the hicks, the potheads, and gangstas (aka the lax team the rugby team the baseball team and the basketball team) in that order. Now of course you find the ever so dominate group on a catholic campus "God-squad" who going to church everyday is like breathing. The Mount is a beautiful campus and does provide an excellent education among other things.
by Susie April 11, 2005
Yeah, uh, Mount Saint Mary's has its ups and downs, but in the long run it kicks more ass then most other schools I've ever been to. So come here, have fun and wake up and do it all again.
by me April 22, 2005
Mount St. Mary's a beautiful place to visit but to go to school here is a different story...all I am going to say is never judge someone when their parents are around. It is a major party school, well only when PS isn't busting in and confiscating all the beer for themselves. It is a place where hooking up is more then just exchanging phone numbers...where kissing when you first meet at the party leads to a midnight humping session. Here you are guaranteed to be known by the second day, your name and all your business. The Mount is a place where it becomes kool to drive from building to building blasting your radio between classes and the place to be on Friday nights is the local Pub. It is a place where they are plan things like deciding to build a 3,000 to 5,000 seat stadium ...mind you it is more seats then the amount of residents and students who stay in Emmitsburg..... Instead of building a new dorm and renovating the Terrace before it catches in fire and burns down in 2 minutes. It is a place where tuitions goes up about $5,000 every year... and what do we have to show for it.... Bocce and Disc golf... (Can somebody explain what the hell Bocce Is?) But what can I say the Mount is a beautiful campus to visit...but not to stay.
by HAHA April 15, 2005