by B3NN0 May 19, 2007
by Jimmy Dallas May 30, 2006
A cocksnot is the residual drip of semen left hanging from then end of you penis after sexual intercourse.
by Codiak July 31, 2003
i blew my cocksnot all over my mother in laws face, while my wife was shopping for my birthday present
by quwee bob November 24, 2003
1) Any seminal secretion from ones penis, cock, fuckstick, etc. 2) A colorful derogatory term to label any person acting rude, ignorant and the like.
1) "I filled Jenny's cumdumpster with and assload of cocksnot!"
2) "Did you see that cocksnot cut in line?"
2) "Did you see that cocksnot cut in line?"
by WeirdBird April 26, 2006
by jonno mcgee June 21, 2006
The fertile baby batter propelled from the male member during sex or masterbation (or spontaneous ejaculation). Large reservoirs may be found in hidden tissues around the toilet, behind female ears on just above the female eyebrow.
by Colonius March 4, 2004