Closing your eyes

When your eyelids move in a certain way that it blocks your pupil from the outside world.
It is used usually when you
A. blink
B. Close your eyes
C. sleep
D. Want to not see something.

Side effects of closing your eyes include:

Not being able to see.
When your eyelids move in a certain way that it blocks your pupil from the outside world.
It is used usually when you
A. blink
B. Close your eyes
C. sleep
D. Want to not see something.

Side effects of closing your eyes include:

Not being able to see.
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Close your eyes

What you first hear when you jump off a tall hospital and spin on your way down.
*Jumps off hospital* Close your eyes, you'll be here soon.
by Jeramuse February 4, 2023
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Close your eyes

What someone says before they kidnap you
Close your eyes its ook
by Urcat February 16, 2019
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does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
but if you close your eyes,
does it almost feel like nothing changed at all,

and if you close your eyes,
by notarealperson111 January 14, 2021
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A method used to avoid blowing your cool and when wanting a person or something to go away.
During certain situations its best to close your eyes and count to ten.
by jpg3 November 6, 2011
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An expression used in the United Kingdom referring to unwanted sexual intercourse. Usually from ones spouse.
Brenda: I hate having sex with George
Lucy: Just close your eyes and think of England
by Alia Joanne June 15, 2007
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A fun game boys play with drunk girls.
Maria said, "Every time I get drunk and a boy says close your eyes and open your mouth, I get a big fat cock in the mouth!"
by Buck Wild Nuts April 20, 2016
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