
is a girl name that means everything to me. She is a pretty girl that everyone likes to be around with. She loves to say I hate you when she means I love you. The girl who makes people think about who they like and helps make a blonde look dumber. ! (: She is oober dubber coolio!
Carlee is so cool. Ahaha ! not really though . im kidding .
by oneofdempukas November 25, 2008
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Carlee is an amazing,beautiful,smart, and hilarious person that everyone loves to be around. She is random and funny always but serious when you need her to be. If yours is anything like mine she likes to make people think she tough when she’s the biggest softie inside. If you have a carlee in you life, keep her because you won’t anyone like her anytime soon.
Wow, I’m never letting go of my carlee.
by Kahliisguidrysfav November 13, 2017
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an awesome girl who's loyal to her friends. she is amazingly gorgeous and perfect in everyway
girl 1: carlee is awesome
girl 2: i know right?
by rated "R" superstar! May 9, 2011
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Is and amazing,beautiful,talented and funny girl. She is funny and clumsy and when you need her to be serious. She is very smart and trusting and will give you advice anytime you need it. She would do anything for you at anytime. But don’t get on her bad side because that could result in you having a screwdriver in you butthole.
Wow, carlee, I’m never leaving you.
by Kahliisguidrysfav November 13, 2017
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Carlee is a beautiful person inside and out. She can be tough when she needs to be and not afraid to speak her mind. She bottles up her feelings inside and keeps a smile on her face for show. She is loyal and would do anything for anyone. Do not get on her bad side because she is the sweetest person and you will regret it. If you have a Carlee in your life keep her because she’s rare and will always be there when you need her.
When you see the name Carlee it can never be found
by Casey Anne November 24, 2021
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Carlee is someone beautiful but also sassy she hates people in her way.When u talk to her u would know that she needs or really wants to be the future 👑.She is very mean when she needs too but hey what can I say she is still my friend.Sometimes she likes too tell people what to do.She also is most likely to be a blonde girl full of hopes and adventure.She is a creative person and always or at least has had a creative friend or good singer.All I could say is Carlee is her own unique person.
Carlee is that girl u hate but at the same time love
by Kaylee Nguyen August 14, 2017
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