
A jewish name. Commonly used to define a sexy male jew with a large red jewfro,who occasionaly bangs his best guy friend. Named Stan.
Bebe: Kyle Broflovskis ass is fine..i just want to grab it and keep it forever!
Stan: me too...OH SHIT.
by Geezimspecial August 24, 2008
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When you pee on your wife during sex an one of your children, lets say... a kid named Ike sees it.
Weeeehhhh!!! Kyle mom pulled a Broflovski
by duck_human November 3, 2020
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sheila broflovski

She's a big, fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world.
Wow this sub is such a Sheila Broflovski
by Eric Cartman1/The C0on November 10, 2017
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Ike Broflovski

The younger brother of South Park character Kyle Broflovski and admires him very much. He is adopted from Canada with birth name Peter Gintz. Thus, he gets a flappy head and the upper half flies when he talks, just like other Canadians.
He is very clever and be the youngest person in South Park to have sex, with a teacher who he fell in love with.

Kyle Broflovski: 'Kick the baby!'
Ike Broflovski: 'Don't kick the god-damn baby!!'
Kyle Broflovski: 'Kick the baby.'

Ike Broflovski: 'You just love pushing me around! Is that what you wanna do, Kyle?! Kick the baby?! Well alrighty bro! Come on, Kyle! Kick the baby!'
'Come on bro! Kick the fuckin' baby! Let's see you try it, wuss!'
by wankair February 25, 2021
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Kyle Broflovski

Kyle Broflovski is a main character in the animated TV series South park. He is known for being the only Jew in town and his politically active parents. He is often ripped on for being Jewish, Ginger, and his mom being from jersey: mostly by Eric Cartman.

Kyles best friends are Stan Marsh and Kenny McCormick, and his only love interests up to date have been Bebe Stevens and Robecca Coltswad.

Though his family is Jewish and Kyle says he is to, there have been many instances of Kyle losing his faith, so many believe him to actually be Theist Agnostic.
Cartman: Aye kahl! Jews can't play basketball so just give up already!!

Kyle Broflovski: Shut up fatass! I can do whatever I want!

Cartman: Aye! I'm not fat you stupid Jew!
by KitKat_Kitty13 December 28, 2016
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kyle broflovski

Kyle Broflovski is the Jewish kid from South Park. He is Stan's best friend, somewhat Kenny's friend, and he always gets made fun of by Cartman because he is Jewish. He has a mom, a dad, and a younger half-brother that is Canadian. His teacher was Mr. Garrison, then Mrs. Chokesondick, now it is Ms. Garrison, Mr. Garrison with a sex change. Kyle also has a bag of "Jew Gold" hanging around his neck.
Cartman: Fuck you Kyle Broflovski, you're just a fucking Jew.
by Awahl March 2, 2006
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Kyle Broflovski

*Pronoun* Kyle Broflovski, (Surname also spelled Brovlofski, Brovlovski, Broflovski, Brosloski, Broslofski, Broslovski, or by Eric Cartman, Kahl) is one of 4 main characters on the TV show South Park. Kyle is voiced by and based on co-creator Matt Stone. Kyle has a best friend named Stan. He is the oldest of two children in the only Jewish family in the town. Kyle has a younger brother named Ike, who was adopted from Canada. He is mostly famous for saying “You bastards!” when Kenny dies. Kyle wears a green ushanka, (the same kind of hat that many Soviets wore, however the ear flaps are not turned up) an orange jacket, dark green pants, and bright green mittens.
Stan Marsh: Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
Kyle Broflovski: You bastards!
by August 24, 2021
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