A life threatening disease which makes the person affected lay bricks constantly and unable to shoot.
(Patrick misses a open shot)
Jhon- I think you might have brick syndrome
by Fortinite justin April 25, 2021
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when a snitch refuses to treat you with respect even though you know their a snitch., they cant get you to do what they want and you cant get the respect you deserve so you tell the snitch to have fun in jail/prison, which is kind of fucked up because its a snitch
person1)So your just gonna continue to disrespect me even after i told you to just ask me for help to my face? person2) yep... person1)well i guess you can just smile at the bricks then.
by AlliedApe October 28, 2021
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Used to describe a prison or jail.
"man I did 5 years in the brick pile, I ain't going back."
by SlimShardy January 21, 2023
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a floating piece of poop that just splashed piss water all over your back.
dude come here i need you to wipe my back and look at this brick on water.
by rainczech August 19, 2009
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1-2 pounds of corn starch is compressed and hardened to make a brick. KANDY KORN STARCH is the best for corn starch brand to use to make this type of corn starch brick
by Miriam hall January 11, 2022
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One of the insults Jo from total drama calls Brick
"Hey, brick house!"
"Hey Brick house!"
"Sir leaks a lot"
"Bricks for brains"
"fine, fine we'll play it ur way captain whizz"
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