1) How many people you've had sex with.
2) How many people you've killed
Popular kid: Hey looser! What's you're body count?
Quiet kid:idk like 5
Popular kid: Pfffft, no way!
Quiet kid: Nah, I think we're talking bout something different.
by icantthinkofausername777 March 10, 2020
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means how many people you had sex wit
player #1: last night my body count was like 10
player #2: yo, that is soft, mine was 10 per hour
player #3: i didnt get nun
by virgoprincess April 16, 2006
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How many people you have slept with.
Justin: I bet Selena's body count is high
Niall: Nah she seems innocent
Justin: She's gotta have a high body count
by Fay March 21, 2017
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meaning 1. the number of people you have had sex with.

meaning 2. the number of people killed by a certain murderer
meaning 1:

Girl 1: OMG, have you seen that guy? I wonder what his body count is
Girl 2: IDK, probably more than 20

meaning 2:
Michael was always the quiet kid at college. No one knew that he was the right hand of the local mafia and had a body count of 53.
by i am the smartest around April 29, 2021
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1. How many persons one has murdered, killed, etc. For example, if the police had done a report on you once you've committed murder, would be 20.

2. How many people you have had sexual intercourse with. For example, if one of your friends came and asked you what your body count was after knowing you have had intercourse with multiple people, you'd reply, 5.

3. How many people who have been killed at the scene. For example, once they have counted the bodies in a murder scene, before figuring out the killer.
Definition one: Yn has a body count of 15 people in total.

Definition two: Hey, do you really have a body count of 5? Sick!

Definition three: I heard there was a body count of 15 at the last crime scene, a full on massacre!
by SweetWilloe November 20, 2017
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body count is basically how many people youve had sex with
jayden:yo what ur body count last night
chris:you know man its always 10 hotties per night that get to have sex with me
by daddywantsome November 23, 2019
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How many ppl u had sex with ... oral or penetration
Mel don't think gettin her pussy ate don't count as a body . Head = body count
by Hellondascale July 24, 2017
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