People that end people named Bart
Bart: Yo that bartender is hella cute!
Me: Watch out Bart he's come to end you!
Bart: *dies*
by Deelioaddooliadoo April 28, 2020
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A professional blender of liquids and solids (spirits, narcotics, drug substances, sauces, opiates, anesthetics, ethanol, tranquilizers…) involving a multi-step process culminating in the formation of a, generally appetizing, substance with a specific purpose.

Although historically mistaken for a non-medical professional, a bartender has identical importance as your local pharmacist, family doctor and favorite dealer. In fact, his/her qualifications encompasses all credentials obtained by the aforementioned occupations.
The hardest part of a bartender's job is figuring out who is stupid and who is drunk
by Dictionnarian July 20, 2018
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1. Song made by t-pain ft. akon
2. A person who serves drinks at a bar
1. lyrics: Broke up with my girl last night so I went to the club...

2. The bartender served me 2 glasses of beer.
by what am I doing October 19, 2008
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A professional babysitter. A part time psychologist. One who has a developed sense of seeing through the bullshit. Someone you are most likely NOT taking home, so do your bartender a favor and don't ask! Remember, she is getting paid to flirt with you and being HOT is part of the requirement of her job!! A professional bullshitter. Someone with a real sense of fun and can probably drink you under the table. A person with a dangerous turning point who can rip you to shreds with a few pointed sentences if necessary. A part time security guard. I may be cute but will kick your drunk ass if I have to!!
Drunk: "You're hot."
Bartender: "Thanks, you're not to bad yourself."
Drunk: "You got all kinds of booty girl!"
Bartender: politely smiles

Drunk: "We should go out sometime."
Bartender: (after tab is paid of course) "No thanks I like pussy." (In other words: You are wasted, I am sober, I have witnessed you hit on every girl in this bar and will not be your last resort to get laid. No thanks drunk guy..)
by MamaG83 June 1, 2010
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