Acronym for “Bank Identification Number.” It is the first 6 digits of a credit or debit card. It is useful for scammers to know which types of cards are good and which types are bad.
Example: If a credit card number is
4184 8163 9163 0164
Then “418481” would be the BIN.
Example: If a credit card number is
4184 8163 9163 0164
Then “418481” would be the BIN.
by YeeezyBusta December 4, 2019
BIN for life.
by Tom Wellington February 13, 2012
Crash a vehicle in spectacular style. Crash to the point that anything you're driving or riding can only be put into the trash.
"Fucking hell. Did you see that crash in the F1? Loads of debris everywhere. I reckon anyone who drives through that will proper bin it."
by GameTripper March 17, 2020
by robwondersz September 1, 2006
Get the bin mug.
by 1759 December 17, 2008