If you ever dare use it as an insult, I will find you, kill you and feed your organs to furious wolves.
The person writing this is autistic. pls don’t hate or d e a d
by CyberCookie March 22, 2020
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A misunderstood developmental disability that interferes with a person's ability to properly and/or appropriately communicate with others. Of course, uneducated assholes on the Internet believe it to be "fancy words" for the slur retarded.
"This game is so autistic!"

"He disagrees with what I'm saying even though it makes no sense and he makes a valid argument? He must be painfully autistic."
by MacCraw May 11, 2018
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A word used by arrogant and ignorant dumbfucks to call people stupid. This term is extremely ironic, because most of the geniuses of the past, including Einstein, Newton, and Bill Gates. Whoever uses this term derogatorily should be publicly beaten.
"wow man James is so autistic he got a 36 on the test"
"James if you don't shut the fuck up I'll give you 36 broken bones"
by October 21, 2020
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A way of being for a person with autism. Autism is not a disease. A lot of people feel desperately sorry for autistic people, and look for a cure, because autistics find empathising/conversing difficult. Many autistics are good at other things such as maths/physics, and rembering lots of information. Around 1 in 10 autistics show savant abilities, which may mean they can do VERY fast maths, or play a song they've heard once on a musical instrument without tution, and a variety of others.

A lot of people are oblivious to the concept of autistic adults, only thinking of autism being about children. This is not the case and many autistic adults (such as myself) have jobs and contribute to society like everyone else, and they are not always "high functioning".

Some Autistic people want to be cured, and that's fine if it's what they really want.
However, there are plenty of autistic people who would rather not edit themselves to conform to society's narrow defintion of "normal", of which I am one. The vast majority of people know nothing about autistic people who are HAPPY the way they are, which is a shame.
Pro-sure: "Oh look at that poor autistic child, his life must be so awful because he's different."
Anti-cure: "It's very likely Einstein was autistic, as well as a whole host of other people throughout history. How about appreciating autistic people for they are, not who you wish they were?"
by BJ_fse July 6, 2006
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Of a person (or animal) who's neurodiverse or has autism, possibly caused by a mutation on chromosome 15 before development and birth. These people are normal but may have sensory, behavioral, and social differences. Otherwise, autistic individuals are either smart or intellectually impaired, sensory oversensitive or sensory undersensitive, unique, and creative. Neurodiversity is not retardation or taboo but a blessing and a personality trait.
Stupid: "You retarded?"
Me: "No, I'm autistic."
Stupid: "That explains why you're weird and probably stupid."
Me: "Oh, so an animal science nerd is stupid!? Spell 'intelligence'."
Stupid: "..."
Me: "Uh-huh! That's what I thought!"

I'm actually autistic, so if I ever encounter someone this stupid, I will just show them this.
by GigglesTheHyena May 2, 2019
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Describing autistic people in terms of functioning levels is controversial. Some children are labeled as low functioning because of a speech delay, but they later learn to communicate and turn out to be intelligent.
Albert Einstein, who was confirmed to have been autistic by an autopsy of his brain structure, did not talk until he was five years old.
by underground aspergian July 13, 2005
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Simply a word to describe someone who has autism. Autistic is NOT an insult and should not be used in such manner. I am an autistic person, and I get really offended whenever autistic (or autist) is used to offend someone. In fact, it’s partially the reason i have depression. So, everybody, please stop using autistic (and autist) as an insult.

If you want a more urban and minimalistic definition, autistic is a word used to say someone has autism, and people who use it as an insult are dicks.
CORRECT USE: Joey is an autistic kid. He has autism, and is really a smart kid.

INCORRECT USE: OMG Bob is such an autistic doofus he’s so stupid!
by just a fellow girl gamer April 1, 2020
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