An Ashland is very pretty and typically gets all the guys she is very athletic,nice and has many friends.
Oh my gosh it's Ashland what should I say?
by WardtheBeast April 4, 2016
Ahhhh. Ashland. Whats there to say... We've got a few Dunkin Donuts, a CVS or two, the illest mascot around, and Mr Cummings.
by hoooty hoo December 24, 2007
It's a shame that California's biggest export is its people. This town's population is loaded with little more than uppity retired Bay Area snobs that have fled their dysfunctional home state. When you think "Ashland", think sky high rent and property rates, endless women's boutique stores, air pollution, and an age 55 and up minimum.
by Jay87087 December 10, 2017
a whore-house created for all the respectable johns out there, it involves athletics, marathons and contests of all sorts, pay to play is a must
by Big Papa2.5 November 23, 2016
When an individual driving a vehicle crashes onto train tracks near a railroad crossing and continues to drive along the tracks until you get your car stuck between the ballast or on the tracks.
Guy 1: "Dude, I crashed into a railroad crossing and drove like a mile stuck between the tracks near this one station!"
Guy 2: "That's very Ashland of you."
Guy 1: "And? At least Mike Cyr's finding interesting shit to put on the grab bag."
Guy 2: "That's very Ashland of you."
Guy 1: "And? At least Mike Cyr's finding interesting shit to put on the grab bag."
by CheesieSawbridge December 14, 2021
Ashland is short but dont let that turn u away though she might lack a bit of knowledge but thats what makes her the funniest person ever. She is always on the trends and is a bit of a crackhead but aren't we all. She is a necessary to all people. If u see an ashland pick her up and run because there isn't many and she is needed in your life.
by ur mom is a fucking gay ho December 3, 2019
by Oregonraised June 22, 2019