Libtards and millennial use this to make it sound like there opponents evidence is not fact and they made it up. They also use this word to make it seem like they know the English.
by Stardust*** June 7, 2018
a short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature.
To hear an anecdote in your dream, signifies that you will be surrounded by joyous and pleasure-seeking people.
To hear an anecdote in your dream, signifies that you will be surrounded by joyous and pleasure-seeking people.
by btr'spnk January 3, 2008
a short version of an interesting or humorous incident or a short often amusing story, especially about something someone has done.
by harley April 4, 2005
‘Funny you mention bears, I live got an anecdote about that. I once fought on Le and won by wrestling it’
by RemixAuthoritied September 27, 2018
Someone who constantly commits post hoc fallacies during a contentious debate that usually calls for statistical evidence, specifically within the realms of social sciences.
Chud: I know from personal experience how inherently violent African Americans are. As a child, I was only bullied by black kids in a predominantly white school!
Chad: Nice argument, Anecdote Andy.
Chad: Nice argument, Anecdote Andy.
by eatmysweetass December 26, 2020
Bullshit terminology made up by pseudo-intellectuals to dismiss anything that doesn't match up with their bullshit.
Dad claims my many links to people dying from the vaccine is "anecdotal evidence" which he never even looked at it because he think the feds will tell him the truth, just like how 9/11 was totally not a inside job.
by The Painful Reality May 5, 2021
So last week i had COVID. I took (insert quack cure X here) and now i’m better. X works!
Statistically, you were going to get better without any treatment; lucky X didn’t kill you.
***anecdotal proof***
Statistically, you were going to get better without any treatment; lucky X didn’t kill you.
***anecdotal proof***
by YAWA January 15, 2022