18 definitions by The Painful Reality
A shitty Roblox knockoff with low-quality art with a shittier forum that fucks various people over, hopefully it will finally get shut down. Just watch as the defenders try to vote this down in a attempt to censor this.
by The Painful Reality April 11, 2020
A incredibly shitty, overused meme that should have died earlier last decade, yet many inbred assclowns still think they're funny using it.
Dominic the obvious condom survivor was stealing someone's art to whine about it being "cringe" spewing with the other shit trend of spacing out letters of each word, "Look at how C R I N G E it is!" the cocksucker states, not realizing that he lived up to his own definition.
by The Painful Reality March 9, 2020
The person who wrote that hateful article on E.D. on your friend is a fuckstain, someone who accuses others of being worthless and stupid while being worthless and stupid by gang bullying people on the internet, showing himself to be a example of defective condoms and lazy parenting are.
by The Painful Reality October 11, 2018
A hypocritical soyboy who goes around Youtube and deliberately searches for anything that proves that soy isn't that good for you and projects his own faults onto others to make himself feel better, along with spamming a wall of useless text to further flaunt his edgy behavior, many will attack in gangs in comment sections and vote each other's comments up with multiple accounts to appear more common in number.
The soy bully quickly called his friends on Youtube to storm another video that questioned the unhealthy traits of soy, quickly spamming some edgy comments and accusing the poster of being a soy boy himself, a common tactic of soy bullies, to dissuade the public of soy having any problems.
by The Painful Reality February 11, 2018
The hypocultist will come up to you, blindly worshiping things like the government, celebrities and kiddy porn and then tells you that you're in a cult for not believing them.
by The Painful Reality July 4, 2023
Bullshit terminology made up by pseudo-intellectuals to dismiss anything that doesn't match up with their bullshit.
Dad claims my many links to people dying from the vaccine is "anecdotal evidence" which he never even looked at it because he think the feds will tell him the truth, just like how 9/11 was totally not a inside job.
by The Painful Reality May 5, 2021
Basically what stupid people want you to do when you question their obviously debunked arguments, demanding that you believe them without question. Also known as "Fact Checking"
Billy got angry when Alvin questioned his belief that fascism was right-wing, seeing many factors of it having socialist policies, deciding that Alvin should do some "Fact Checking" as he shouted "Mind doing some fact checking on that?!!" Getting angry, Alivin responded with "More like Fiction Checking."
by The Painful Reality November 23, 2019