One who believes the world revolves around them.
Charlie Sheen is the epitome of narcissistic behavior
by cougar6969 July 10, 2011
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someone who is very self reliant and self-centered, while also is commonly self-obsessed and has a very large ego.
Chip has such a large ego and thinks he is so much better than everyone else. he is so narcissistic sometimes!
by Kaychi-Wolfie January 7, 2015
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A person who is vain and self-centered, and who spends a fortune to preserve his appearance. One of the traits of the yuppie and, of course, the fag, who spends hours admiring himself in the mirror.
Trent is a narcissistic yuppie who thinks very highly of himself.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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Use you, abuse you, lose you
Gimme,gimme, gimme all you got and later
by runfrom1 June 11, 2004
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Someone who tries to define himself on Urban Dictionary
When voting for a new word:


A god, deity, someone you worship.

Defined by Fred

Me: Narcissist. rejects
by ManMan36 March 31, 2016
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An individual, typically male, who suffers from an inferiority complex as a result of not receiving enough attention as a small child. As a result, this person suffers from an all-pervasive need for attention and often acts as if he/she is superior.
Napoleon is famous for the narcissism he developed as a reaction to his short stature.
by Matt July 6, 2004
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