5 by 5

Respective rating used to report ballpark signal strength and clarity of a transmission. So a 5 by 1 means a strong signal is present, but what is saying cannot be understood. 1 by 5 means you can understand them, but a signal is barely coming in. 5 by 5 is ideal for both counts.

Can also be used nowadays to mean one is doing well.
Ex. A) – command to alpha2IC, do you read?
-command this is alpha2IC, I got you 5 by 5.

b) How’s it going?
I’m 5 by 5.
by vodka June 2, 2004
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5 by 5

This is an old aeronautical radio term. Radio signal strength and clarity were measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Today the term "Loud and Clear" is preferred to "5 by 5".

In slang use "5 by 5" means things are well, good, or as expected.
by balrog May 17, 2003
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5 by 5

To be in a content state of being. To be fine
Hey how are you? 5 by 5.
by Xander October 30, 2003
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5 by 5

Also refers to level of orientation in a neurological/psychiatric exam. Five by five means that you are oriented to (your)name, place (where you are), time, day/date, and year/current President. A way of saying that you're alright, everything's cool.
Dood- are you allright, that was one ugly wreck.

It's cool, I'm five by five.
by anoynymous April 23, 2004
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5 by 5

the fat ass was 5 by 5!
by 0000 December 5, 2003
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5 by 5

A tiny home, with small dementions that has everything including a cooking area, living space, and sleeping quarters in the same room. Usually the bathroom has it's own separate room or area that is closed off from the rest of the humble abode.
by Tristan December 21, 2003
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5 in 5

A shortened version of the drinking term "5 shots in 5 minutes". Can also be converted to 6 in 6, 7 in 7, or if you're trying to die, 10 in 10.
I did 5 in 5 and went to Rugby... there was mostly dudes there so I did 5 in 5 again and passed the fuck out.
by JK February 9, 2005
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