fucking squiggly line

when you wanna be seggsy in text
guy 1: hi~
girl 1: hello~
by ❀ ʚ edqie ɞ ❀ August 13, 2021
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sarcasm for the internet used at the end of a sentence
guy1- That Barbie doll is so cool.~
guy2- I know its so cool.~
by sarcasmguy4827 March 15, 2009
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Ladivi will return - INVENTED BY BLOOM
by LADIVI August 23, 2022
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Tildes can be used in order to trail off words to make them longer, so they could technically be used to trail in as well

Can be used in order to communicate thoughts in writing rather than spoken dialogue.
My butt sure is itchy” would give you weird looks if spoken aloud

~my butt sure is itchy~ Nobody can hear it as its in your head
and it gives a good difference in writing to avoid confusion.
by AniMANIA7983 January 21, 2020
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A sentence followed by the '~' symbol is meant in sarcasm. This is vitally important, because a lot of confusion is caused by sarcasm over the internet by typed words.

~ already means 'approximately,' which essentially means so-so: *hand motion tipping back and forth.* Therefore, we can see how it relates to irony/sarcasm: it means, "Just kidding, but sort of... no really I'm kidding... buuuuut"
"Of course the other definitions of '~' are going to be commonly used by people...~"

"Yeah, no, I totally agree: Rick Perry is a genius!~"

"Oh yeah absolutely, I'm a total brony.~"
by @daveSaidNEVER June 21, 2015
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by alyssa69gaming2011 April 23, 2023
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It means soft moans or talking softly
Male: *says something out of pocket but didn't realise*
Female: oh?~
Male: Are you trying to seduce me?
Female: Do you want me to seduce?~
by Your only wife January 15, 2023
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