Jonas G. is a person with a very beautiful smile. He likes the same music and is very talented (he can draw very beautifully). Jonas is a person you can always have fun with. He was there for me when I was at my worst. He listened to me while I cried in the middle of the night when he actually should sleep instead of having a video call with me and made me smile again. In latin lessons it was always fun to translate the texts with him and I enjoyed every single minute with him because I have never laughed with someone that much before in my life. Jonas has brown eyes and is very tall. He´s such a positive and powerful person. I always enjoy talking to him and somehow, he´s the first person I always wanna tell about the latest gossip in my life. He was never a person who judged me for something… neither my bad English nor my ridiculous problems. I am so thankful that he is such a kind and cool person with good intentions only so I just wanted to tell you: thank you Jonas for being who you are and I am happy to have you in my life. And you are actually the nicest guy that I know, don´t forget that. Thank you for supporting me doesn´t matter with what. Thank you for telling me that you are happy too when I told you in a voice message that I realized that I just need myself to be happy. I absolutely LOVE that I can cry with you and I don´t feel weak but understood. Thank you for every minute you gave to me. I think that´s enough now.
Person 1: "Who´s the nicest person you know?"

Person 2: "Mhm let me guess... I think it´s Jonas G.! He´s an amazing guy!"
by the stranger you will recogniz January 25, 2022
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Average teen with a massive shlong that he uses like a lasso and grappling hook
Man, he’s such a Jonas Hibbs, have you seen his shlong
by WhiteVanCandyMan March 21, 2023
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Someone really scared to spend money on the luxuries in life and continuously settling for less. Some would say he’s tighter than a nuns arse!
Nenos jona- Wow look at that hotel, that’s amazing I would love to stay there

Friend- dont be such a nenos dude that place is a shithole
by The jonas May 12, 2020
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person 1: can i suck your wee
Jonas Gundersen Nordahl : only if i can suck yours
by bernardgamer October 4, 2022
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you are supposed to text holger and ignore him next day for no reason.
by xxxjonxxxx March 9, 2021
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Guy with big penis and he fuck a lot of girls
You have small pp. No im Jonas Jeppesen
by Osama Bin Ladder December 6, 2019
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When you break-up with someone by text messages instead of confronting them face to face.
hey wheres your Girl-friend. "What Girl-friend I A-Jonased her and shes no more

''you coward''
by M-Boy 10 December 6, 2010
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