When a man nuts on a woman's, the semen on her face represents a baby thereby naming her babyface
21 Savage: I nutted on her cheek, her new nickname baby face
by prettyneat12 September 16, 2018
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When a man ejaculates onto a women’s face.
Dude last night I was having sex with this on girl and she wanted me to give her a baby face.
by Alexander Ludwig February 9, 2021
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Adult who smokes dab to the point they can't function in life
That dab baby couldn't get up for work , now he has no job.
by Quick silver August 30, 2022
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a baby adopted by two friends who are very close and hug but are not in a sexual relationship. usually two girls or a a girl and a boy
by GRAXXON January 6, 2022
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It’s a cute nickname to someone who’s mother found them in a dumpster as an infant and took care of them for the rest of their life.
“oh look over there! It’s Cameron the Garbage Baby
by Yveltal OwO December 2, 2019
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A child that was conceived after a male ejaculated into a females's anus and it leaked into her vagina.
God damn, if your mom would have just swallowed you, we wouldn't have this Bungalo Baby sitting next to us!
by Bungalo baby maker April 16, 2017
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Generation Z:

Generation X came after the Baby Boomers.
Generation Y were coined the "Millennials" because they came about at the turn of the millennium.
Generation Z started in the ought years. ('01, '02, etc.) Hence, Ought Baby.
The Millennials grew up in a world that was never without the internet whereas an Ought Baby will grow up in a world that was never without smart phones.
by AmadeuS469 June 23, 2018
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