total manwhore who every catholic school girls wants in bed. wears rings, skinny jeans, and has sex hair 24/7. can and will get every girl he can.
Emily: Oh my gosh is that Chris Adams?!
Cindy: Yes! Let's follow him, he's so hot!
by school girlll July 1, 2010
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Hunter of the Pedobear.
Host of Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator".
Defender of the lolis.
Chris Hansen - "The guy on TV who let YOU have a seat - right over there!"
by Suom Ynona August 25, 2009
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im calling the weed
chris is that a police
im calling the weed

'420 wut u smokin'
by PartayKittay September 17, 2019
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A bikie from Western Australia who was forced to flee the state due to tax evasions and opal hooping. He now claims to be a "motivational speaker" in schools but really wants to get closer to kids. He claimed his dad worked in his fridge and his mum worked in his freezer, we can end up coming to a conclusion that he put them in there and said he forgot. His last name is commonly used around 15-year-old school boys as a means of entertainment as they chant his last name Doyle religiously.
15 Year Old Australian School Kids: Daye DOYLEEEEE!!!!!
Whole School: Daye GEHHHHHHHHHH!
Chris Doyle: Ok
by FerterintheMerter February 25, 2019
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An dude that just chills on his couch in the middle of the night. He also likes to bully people for internet validation
Yo I was in the Astra Memecus Discord and had a conversation with THE Chris the Dread
by : ) guess who November 28, 2021
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steal; take something somebody else earned; a thief/fraud; person who steals from sweet women; ghetto trash that tries to front as if he is intelligent and classy, but can’t get a legal job because of criminal history
thief liar psychopath fraud abuser woman beater
I’m about to Chris Lloyd that lady’s purse
by baddestbitchinCA December 25, 2019
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A name for a girl who can be described in only a positive way. She's someone who you immediately love once you get to know just a little bit about. She's always confident wherever she goes and may seem overconfident to some. But she doesn't fully believes the things she says and doesn't realize she's astonishing and beautiful. Don't get me wrong she loves who she is, she's just humble. She truly cares about her family and is truly happy that she was born into her family. She's loves to talk about her heritage and how great her country is. She's someone you need in your life and can't have without. She's a brilliant girl who always works hard to get the best grades she can. You could be having the worst day ever but when you talk to her you forget all your problems and just can't stop yourself from smiling. Also when your talking to her she'll make you laugh for sure. She's a beautiful girl who has a smile that makes you forget about everything and eyes that you get lost in while looking in them. Whenever she's around you can't help to look at her. She's a strong girl who never bothers people with her problems, she just deals with it herself.
by RandomGuyy58375 November 23, 2021
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