Angelina "nothing" "crystal" "jing" Parker
I feel so positive ugh rn
by 👀🦆 June 3, 2021
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noun; a sexual position where a female sits on a person's back and performs a back massage. Whilst this occurs, she stimulates herself used the clenched gluteal muscles of the person she is on top of. The person can be male or female.
Guy 1:I saw Ryan getting a back massage from Alyvia when she started moaning. I think they were in a Moazamian Position

Guy 2:Do you think Ryan's fuckbuddy will care?
by PlutoNeptun September 16, 2010
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A feeling of great optimism that comes directly after a important meeting that often never eventuates into anything truely worthwhile.
Guy: Did you see Melissa this morning? She wouldn't shutup about that new project she's working on.

Guy2: Yeah, she's suffering from Post Meeting Positivity.
by phantom pooper 2011 April 6, 2011
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Woman (or man no judgement) sits on their partners lap facing them with their arms resting limply on their partners shoulders (like a bunny hence its name). This manoeuvre is completed with vigorous quick paced bouncing on your partners dick, enduring to clap those cheeks .
Person 1: honey what’s there to watch on tv tonight?

person 2: nothing sweetie

Person 1: oh darn.....I guess to pass the time you could rearrange my guts? Wanna do the bunny position so hard I get a haemorrhage

Person 2: sure I could use a quick hop
by Datbunnydude September 11, 2020
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Created in Croatia on the fourth of March 2023 by the PSN account VitoTheHunter is a cult based on the fact that winning a round of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege can only be produced if every member of the team has positive thoughts. At the beginning of each round, all team members must first pray to our savior Jesus Christ for their victory and also for the victory of the enemy team. By performing this ritual, the chances of winning increase by 75%, and positive thinking will contribute an additional 24.9%. As the statistics tell us, even 80% of the rounds played by the members of this cult resulted in victory.
Vito: Think positive

Lihta: "kills two of the enemys"
Lovre: "dies"
Matija: "Ensures victory"
Lihta: "Writes about Cult of Positive Vibes on the urban dictionary"
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Coming from an attempted future theif, that's hilarious. But this is little more than jargon. No different from saying "Instead of the current narrative we need a 'positive' narrative that's curated by ME" and it's an affront to your claim to fame. People want to live in reality and not within some charlatan's alternative narrative. Your sycophants will adopt it but it will get just as tedious (over time) as the woke narrative and people will reject it. They'll take your advice and start a family and their family will arbitrarily fall apart (because that's just what happens half the time) and all they'll have is a "positive vision of the future" that is specific to the energy prices of mud-hut people in 3rd world countries. It sounds good but it doesn't really MEAN anything. And this coming from the MEANING GUY. Meaningless drivel from meaning-man.
Hym "And, while I'm on the red pill, you know what else I don't like about them? They're proponents of Stoicism but they almost entirely reject the notion of 'Fate'. 'You have ultimate control over the outcome of your life 🫷😒 and I maintain FULL credit for my superiority to you by saying this by the way' Stoicism is where the notion of 'Fate' comes from, isn't it? But that has nothing to do with this. Your 'positive vision of the future' is little more than a 'new narrative' replacing the 'woke narrative'. What's to stop it from being just as divorced from reality as the woke narrative? Nothing. It already is. But at least it's sounds positive. No less tyrannical in it's implementation. I'm evidence of that. "
by Hym Iam February 20, 2023
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