1. A greeting, meaning the same as "what's up". (Note: The term What's Guackaflocka is very uncommon and is only said in regions of Southeastern Africa.)
by Professor Sauce November 9, 2018
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Hey Sebastian, How was that party last night?
Ahh...dude, way too much guac in the burrito, cause Cindy was there.
Ooooh, that sucks.
by Wiggity-Wiggity April 5, 2007
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When you are fucking a girl with ghonneria and pull out your cock and it's covered with a substence which resembles guacamole.
Man1: Hey how'd your date go last night?
Man2: not so good... the night turned out pretty shitty.
Man1: Why didn't you score...
Man2: Yeah but she had the clap and when I pulled it out I got a dick full of cock guac.
by Pulkmog December 21, 2009
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Girl, stop being so guac.
What you mean guac?
You Extra Af Fam
by TommyPonder March 16, 2017
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Guac an issue or trouble
I knew that should’ve studied earlier now I’m gonna have extra guac
by Guac man March 21, 2019
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